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Optimize Your Machining With Our Workholding Design Features.
Dovetail Cut
Expectational Gripping Strength. Minimal Clamping Pressure.
Locating Pins
Consistent, Positive Location on Parts. Reduced Set Up Time.

Reduce Your Manufacturing Costs.
Data Driven Results.

“Its genius is in its simplicity – it requires remarkably few parts to achieve very rigid clamping. Its small footprint, simple design, and low-profile clamping means it can be adapted to an endless combination of machine configurations and fixturing setups.”
Ted Winkle
Tech Center Coordinator, Okuma America Corp
Reduced tool path interference
Work piece is up off the table to allow machining from multiple sides in a single operation.
Increased ROI on projects
Less ops, programming, set up, material, time, and scrap.
Work piece is up off the table to allow machining from multiple sides in a single operation.
Greater holding force with minimal amount of material
Reduces excess material and scrap needed. Minimizes clamping force and dimensional distortion on the work piece.
Precise repeatability & relocation
Accurate location of the part every time. No need to index the part on every setup.
Standardized prep
Simplifies engineering and programming.